Home » Pokemon Go Community Day Schedule September 2023

Pokemon Go Community Day Schedule September 2023

by Pramuka Ramanayake
Pokemon Go Community Day Schedule September 2023

Do you want to know September 2023 Pokemon Go community day schedule? With the end of the Hidden Gems season of Pokémon GO, Pokémon players can participate in more exciting competitions. The dates for the next Community Days have now been officially announced. Community Days are one of the main events in Pokémon GO. In these events, players get the ability to catch a special Pokémon. Because of that, everyone waits for the dates of the event. So then, let’s talk about September 2023 Pokemon Go community day schedule.

September 2023 Pokemon Go Community Days Dates

Get ready for some fun-filled Community Days as Niantic, the developer of Pokémon Go, has released a Community Day schedule that lasts through November. The first Community Day Classic event will occur on September 2, 2023. So, make sure to mark your calendars!

Here is the complete schedule for the upcoming Pokémon Go 2023 Community Day:

  • Saturday, September 2 (Community Day Classic)
  • Saturday, September 23
  • Sunday, October 15
  • Sunday, November 5
  • Saturday, November 25

Additional In-Game Events Dates

Niantic has announced a few additional dates for Pokémon Go players to remember over the next few months. These dates will have in-game events and are as follows:

  • September 17 (Sunday)
  • September 30 (Saturday)
  • October 7th-8th (Saturday and Sunday)
  • October 21 (Saturday)
  • November 11 (Saturday)

Niantic has yet to reveal the featured Pokémon for upcoming Community Days—still, the schedule previews what players can look forward to in the following months. Pokémon Go players eagerly anticipate the release of new Pokemons and exciting events, making it an exciting time for all.

Pokemon Go Community Day Schedule September 2023

Image Source: Niantic via pogotrnr screenshot


Poliwag Community Day Guide in Pokémon Go

What Is Community Day Classic

Community Day Classic is an event in Pokémon Go where players can revisit a previous Community Day. During the three-hour event, players can catch a specific species of Pokémon that will dominate almost all the Pokémon spawns. The featured Pokémon will have higher chances of being Shiny. When evolved during the event, it will learn a unique Legacy move. As mentioned before first community day will be held on September 2, and if you have a bit of luck, you will be able to catch a shiny Pokemon.

If you want to know about Pokemon GO’s upcoming raids and events, watch the video below by poke AK.

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