Home » How To Fix Call of Duty HUENEME NEGEV Error

How To Fix Call of Duty HUENEME NEGEV Error

by Amali Smarakoon
How To Fix Call of Duty HUENEME NEGEV Error

Do you want to know how to fix the HUENEME NEGEV error in Call of Duty? Call of Duty: MW2 and Warzone 2 are first-person shooter games loved and played by millions worldwide. However, recently players have been experiencing the HUENEME NEGEV error code. And this happens due to network-related issues. Here you can find ways to fix the Call of Duty HUENEME NEGEV error.

What Is HUENEME NEGEV in Call of Duty?

Error Code HUENEME NEGEV frequently occurs in Call of Duty: MW2 and Warzone 2. This issue has been reported on PC, Xbox, PS4, and PS5 platforms. It happens when the players are trying to join a multiplayer match. Then the ‘Unable to connect to host. HUENEME – NEGEV’s message will pop up and prevent them from entering online servers and playing the game.

Below are some common causes of the HUENEME NEGEV Error.

  • Some network-related issues.
    For MW2 and Warzone 2 to work well, it needs a strong and stable network link. The game becomes unstable when the connection is broken and errors appear.
  • Server issues.
    Errors often happen when the Game Server is being worked on or has hardware problems.
How To Fix Call of Duty HUENEME NEGEV Error

Image Source: Activision


How To Fix MW2 Error Code 112?

How To Fix HUENEME NEGEV Error in Call of Duty?

No official patch has been released to solve this issue, but there are some steps you can take and try to fix it by yourself.

  1. Check your internet connection.
    Check your online connection as your first step. Check the signal strength and make sure that everything is working right.
  2. Try to use another network connection.
    Try accessing the game with a different type of internet connection. This will fix all the problems you had with your previous ISP.
  3. Visit the Activision Support Online Services page.
    On this page, you can find out how all platform network services are doing. If the computers are offline, you can wait until it turns green to go online.
  4. Check firewall settings.
    Perhaps your firewall is stopping the game. Change the settings on your firewall to let MW2 or Warzone 2 link to the game server.
  5. Clear game Cache.
    Clear all the Cache on the device you’re using to play, and then try to rejoin.
  6. Update the game.
    Check for the latest updates and patches.
  7. Reinstall the game.
    You can try reinstalling the game on your playing device.
  8. Select Administrator mode.
    These are the steps to activate it.
    Download MW2 or Warzone 2 Game Directory to the PC.
    Click Properties> Compatibility tab> Run this program as an administrator> Apply changes> OK.
  9. Use the Power Cycle Networking method.
    Follow the below steps.
  • Power off the router.
  • Disconnect all the cables.
  • Wait for 5 minutes and set the cables again.
  • Power on the router.
  • Connect to the game and check for the error.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 are available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: YoutubeSCREAM

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